Triangle Forensic Neuropsychiatry, PLLC is one of a kind specialty medical practice that focuses on evaluation and treatment of Neuropsychiatric Disorders. Manish A. Fozdar, MD is the primary provider for the practice. Dr. Fozdar is one of the very few physicians in the entire country who is trained in several disciplines that pertains to disorders of the brain and neurosciences-

  • General psychiatry, Neuropsychiatry and Behavioral Neurology, Medical Psychiatry and Forensic Psychiatry.

 Dr. Fozdar's training has provided him with the broad knowledge base that is required to treat patients with various behavioral, cognitive and emotional disorders. Every patient of the practice will always be examined by Dr. Fozdar. That is our promise to you.

There are three main divisions of the practice- 

  1. Clinical practice
  2. Forensic practice
  3. Teaching and educational seminars.