We specialize in the evaluation and treatment of various neuropsychiatric and neurological disorders that present with emotional, behavioral and cognitive problems and in treating various psychiatric disorders that coexist with multiple medical conditions. We also treat general psychiatric disorders.
Neuropsychiatric Disorders: Traumatic Brain Injury, Acquired Brain Injury, Stroke, Dementia, Seizures, Brain Tumors, Movement disorders such as Parkinson's disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Infections (HIV), Learning and Developmental Disabilities including Autism and Mental Retardation.
The evaluation process, always done by Dr. Fozdar himself, consist of thorough history taking, examination, evaluation of pertinent records, collaboration with referring providers and report preparation. Patients will be referred as needed to other providers for counseling, neuropsychological/psychological testing and various other tests such as CT/MRI of brain, EEG and others.